KMP3 KA Kalijaga

Download Skin KMP3 Kalijaga for Add-ons KAI. Go to Trainz Simulator Add-ons Menu to download the skin.

Foto Kereta Api Barang

KA Barang 1510 bersama Lokootif CC 203 28 SMC melintasi stasiun Brumbung, Daop 4.

KA Rajawali berhenti di Stasiun Semarang Tawang

Ketika KA Rajawali masih hidup dan persiapan dilangsir untuk berdinas KA 54 ke Surabaya Pasar Turi.

KA 99 Malioboro Ekspress Yogyakarta-Malang PP

KA Malioboro Ekspress dengan warna warna livery kelas kereta melintasi jpl 96 Badran Solo.

Add-ons Trainz Simulator 2009 Rute Clinch Fiksi

Rute Fiksi untuk Trainz Simulator 2009. Masuk ke menu Trainz Simulator Add-ons untuk mendownload

Add-ons Trainz Simulator 2009 Rute DAOP 4 (SMC - BBG)

Rute DAOP 4 untuk Trainz Simulator 2009. Masuk ke menu Trainz Simulator Add-ons untuk mendownload

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016



Wasita Sinadhi
Aja sok dhemen memisuh, besuk ana kana-ne (akhirat) lambene mundak digunting malaekat.
Pepisuh punika tembung saru ingkang  kasar ingkang ngendalaken wadi utawi lelampahan ingkang saru-saru tur mawi ngembet-embet tiyang sepuh ingkang mboten sumerep punapa-punapa. Dados lare ingkang kulina memisuh wau kirang prayogi sanget, kenging dipunwastani trocoh. Dene memper boroting payon.
Aja sok dhemen ngandhakake alaning uwong, mundhak cinathet ing malaekat.
Remen nyariosaken tiyang punika saking sedyaning piyambaking wau rumesik-resik, mboten gadhah awon lan gethek cirining badanipun. Kawuningana tiyang sajagad punika mboten wonten ingkang tanpa cacad.
Aja sok jag-jagan ana ngamben utawa paturon, mundhak ora ilok.
Patileman utawi amben punika naming kangge piranti tilem utawi linggihan. Kamangka jag-jagan punika tembung kasar ingkang tegesipun lumampah tanpa reringa. Dados jag-jagan wonten ing patileman utawi ing ngamben punika murang tata. Punapa malih menawi dlamakanipun reged, saestu ngregedi ing patileman wau.
Aja sok mangan ing paturon, mundhak lara gudhigen.
Punika kajengipun naming supados sageda resikan. Awit nedha tetedhan wonten ing patileman punika, nalika tetedhan wau kecer dados reged sarto karubung semut. Pramila nalika nedha kedah wonten panggenan ingkang patut kangge nanedha.
Aja sok nampani nganggo tangan kiwa, mundhak ngedhe.
Ingkang dipunwastani ngedhe punika tangan kiwa ingkang sajengipun gesang nyanyepeng utawi sanesipun langkung trampil tinimbang ingkang tengen. Dados ngedhe punika awonipun tiyang nyeleneh. Kejawi punika, adat caranipun tiyang jawi, tangan kiwa punika kaanggep langkung asor tinimbang tangan tengen. Awit prigelipun naming kangge nguwil utawi tetulung tangan tengen. Dados kajengipun nampani ngangge tangan kiwa punika ewanipun murang tata.
Aja sok ngingu kuku nganti dawa, mundhak dienggoni setan.
Kuku punika wangunipun gepeng landhep, menawi kangge kukur-kukur saged ngrisakaken kulit. Menapa malih anggenipun kukur-kukur saweg pinuju tilem, lajeng kesupen dhateng raos sakit, naming sakeca raos gatel kinukur, wekasan babak ing wanci siyang, punika lajeng ngungun getun. Punapa malih ingkang saweg nandhang gudhigen. Punika kirang prayogi awit sareng kangge ngukur, gudhigipun sami ngliyam, kruma kathah katut wonten ing kuku, gudhigipun enggal nulir. Mila gudhigen punika epek-epekipun sami ndados, jalaran makaten wau. Menapa malih kuku ngantos panjang punika mracihnani yen piyambakipun lare kesed sarta ketingal nggilani.
Aja sok sangga uwang, mundhak nyangga susahe wong patang puluh.
Nyangga uwang punika kalebet golonganing sasmita, nerangaken menawi manahipun saweg ribet utawi susah ugi getun utawi keduwung. Dados menawi pancen mboten susah, wasana sangga uwang punika sawangipun kados saweg susah utawi kenging dipunwastani nandhang susah.
Yen angop kudu ditutupi tutuke, mundhak dileboni setan.
Angop punika cangkemipun menga wiyar, lambe nancut ngatingalaken untu. Menawi mboten dipuntutupi menga malongo kados guwa, sareng ketingal untunipun memper segawon angisis siyung. Kejawi saking punika panyerotipun ambegan roa sanget, dados saupami ing sangajengipun wonten kewan bangsanipun muring saged katut lumebet ing cangkem.
Yen nyapu aja ngendhegake uwuh ana ing dalan, mundhak jodhage bali ing dalan.
Tumrapipun lare jaler mundhak kirang sae anggenipun pados garwa. Punika kajengipun uwuh wau kedah kalajengaken dhateng pawuhan. Mbooten sae menawi uwuh methuthuk wonten panggenan ingkang sanes panggenanipun.
Yen madhang aja sok nyisa, mundhak mati pitike.
Menawi pancen nyisa, nalika dipuntedhakaken dhateng ayam, ayamipun malah lema. Ananging kajengipun tiyang sepuh mboten makaten. Menawi nedha ngantos nyisa unika ingkang badhe nedha sinten, dados prayogi imbuh tinimbang nyisa.

source : dokumen penerbit


yeah, you can be the greatest, you can be the best
you can be the king kong banging on your chest
you can beat the world, you can win the war
you can talk to god, go banging on his door

you can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock
you can move a mountain, you can break rocks
some will call that practice, some will call that luck
but either way your going to the history books

standing in the hall of fame,
and the worlds gonna know your name
‘cos it burns with the brightest flame
and the worlds gonna know your name
and you’ll be on the walls of the hall of fame

you can go the distance, you can run a mile
you can walk straight through h*ll with a smile
you can be the hero, you can get the gold
breaking all the records they thought would never be broke

yeah, do it for your people, do it for your pride
never even know if you never even try
do it for your country, do it for your name
‘cos there’s gonna be a day

when your standing in the hall of fame
and the worlds gonna know your name
‘cos it burns with the brightest flame
and the worlds gonna know your name
and youll be on the walls of the hall of fame

on the walls of the hall of fame

be students, be teachers
be politicians, be preachers
be believers, be leaders
be astronauts, be champions
be truth seekers

be students, be teachers
be politicians, be preachers
be believers, be leaders
be astronauts, be champions
be truth seekers

standing in the hall of fame
and the worlds gonna know your name
‘cos it burns with the brightest flame
and the worlds gonna know your name
and you’ll be on the walls of the hall of fame

yeah, you can be the greatest, you can be the best
you can be the king kong banging on your chest
you can beat the world, you can win the war
you can talk to god, go banging on his door

you can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock
you can move a mountain, you can break rocks
some will call that practice, some will call that luck
but either way your going to the history books

standing in the hall of fame

source : dokumen penerbit


A. Contoh Teks Eksplanasi
Mencairnya Es di Kutub Utara dan Selatan

            Mencairnya Es di Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan Bumi adalah salah satu planet yang ada di sistem tata surya berbentuk bulat dengan pusat magnet berada di kedua sumbu. Sumbu bumi masing-masing terletak di dua kutub bumi, yaitu Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan. Kedua kutub tersebut memiliki peranan yang cukup penting. Akhir-akhir ini dikabarkan jika es di Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan sudah semakin banyak mencair.


1.       Jelaskan fungsi penting ginjal!
2.       Bagaimana jika ginjal tidak dapat berfungsi normal?
3.       Jelaskan terjadinya disfungsi ginjal!
4.       Jelaskan upaya rehabilitasi yang dapat dilakukan sebelum transplantasi organ!
5.       Apakah transplantasi merupakan jalan keluar?


Rei hajimari ni mo owari ni mo kawaru hikari 
Shita ni muketa mama kazasu no wo yameta ano toki ALD 
noah SAIZU no awanai uso bakari narabete 
Miushinai mizukara subete ni tsumazuita 

AS terasu ei to ei 
Kurikaesu count asu no reiji no SAIN 

LIVE or DIE mienai hikari no sen moji dakede ikill (Ikiru)-basho sutete 
Namae mo inai soko ni kotae wo motometete mo 
Kaze ni tokashita inochi no Rain nagesutenai kakedashita no namida 
Kitai mo yami mo owari mo iranai ZERO ni nareba hadashi no phrase-1 

O dono uta mo sukuikata shidai dakede 
mono ka hiraku ka wa dare mo ga eraberu CHORD 1-A Oh Oh 
I hakenai SHUUZU to tomo ni suteta REESU de 
Nukasareta jikan oikakete mo tadorenai 

need hito wa hibikiau 
Wakareta sound asu no rage no gain 

Shiranai kotoba de narashite mo tsuzukanai sawagu dake no risoutachi 
Hagare mo shinai kako ni ate wo motometete mo 
Kabe de tozashita hizashi no Rail tsukidasenai miei dake no yaiba 
Jikan mo EGO mo nani mo iranai ZERO ni sureba subete no phrase-1 

Scene1/Rise Again/& 
It's Show/Rage/no/My Mind 
B-5/round 2 fight 

LIVE or DIE kienai hikari no sen kazu dake ga hibiku basho sutete 
Namae mo inai soko ni kotae wo motometete mo 
Kaze ni tokashita inochi no Rain nagesutenai kakedashita no namida 
Kizuato mo kyoei mo kigu mo iranai ZERO ni sureba hadashi no phrase-1 

Scene1/Rise Again/& 
It's Show/Rage/no/My Mind 
B-5/round 2 fight

source : dokumen pribadi


I was born in the arms of imaginary friends
Free to roam, made a home out of everywhere I've been
Then you come crashing in
Like the realest thing
Trying my best to understand all that your love can bring

Oh, half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart's got the right mind to tell you that I cant keep loving you
Oh, half of my heart

I was made to believe I'd never love somebody else
I made a plan, stayed the man who can only love himself
Lonely was the song I sang
'Til the day you came
Showing me a another way and all that my love can bring

Oh, half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart's got the right mind to tell you that I can't keep loving you
Oh, half of my heart
with half of my heart

Your faith is strong
But I can only fall so far so long
Time to hold, later on
You will hate that I never gave more to you
than half of my heart
But I can't stop loving you
But I can't stop loving you
But I can't stop loving you

With half of my, half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart's got a real good imagination
Half of my heart's got you
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That half of my heart won't do

Half of my heart is a shotgun wedding to a bride with a paper ring
Half of my heart is the part of a man who's never truly loved anything

Oh, half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart
Oh, half of my heart
Half of my heart

source : dokumen pribadi


The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You're the kind of reckless
That should send me runnin'
But I kinda know that I won't get far
And you stood there in front of me
Just close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

My mind forgets to remind me
You're a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something,
You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be.
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world
But with you I know it's no good
And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would...

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

I'll run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild.
Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right.
And lead me up the staircase
Won't you whisper soft and slow?
I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show.

Drop everything now,
Meet me in the pouring rain,
Kiss me on the sidewalk,
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile.
Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile

And the sparks fly.....
Oh, baby, smile.....
And the sparks fly.....

source : dokumen pribadi